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Dorio – “Lost These Days”

Dorio certainly has a cavalcade of influences here on their latest single, “Lost These Days.” Ranging anywhere from “…Wall-of-sound orchestral pop, Italian soundtracks, lounge pop and deep house sensibilities in the mid-90’s.” With that in mind, there’s something utterly unique about Dorio’s style, while simultaneously feeling inherently 2023. There’s an undeniable retro influence here on the funky 70s-inspired bassline, but singer Rachel Roscoe’s twee vocals root this one solidly in the bedroom-pop/dream-pop movements of modern day indie rock. There are multiple cherries-on-top here too, including startlingly clean swirling guitars, jaunty rhythms, and super-tight percussion tones. You can find “Lost These Days” on Spotify, and Bandcamp... And don’t forget to follow them on Instagram! Check out the YouTube embed below.