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KOBAIEN – “Nightmare”

Paris-based KOBAIEN and Ohm Vision bring us their latest track, the EDM soirĂ©e, “Nightmare.” The track is heavy with hypnotic beats and effects that ebb and flow flawlessly, with vocals from fellow French singer Brume integrated perfectly. While this is all sung English (in case you’re not fluent in French), you don’t need to know any language other than that spoken by the soul when it creates something truly beautiful. Fans of EDM will definitely appreciate this unless, like the weird indie gatekeepers, it’s too something, or not enough something, or you heard it before it was cool and it’s not cool anymore. To them, we say, “Nightmare” has just the right amount of something. Fans of bands like Hot Chip or LCD Soundsystem will find a lot to enjoy here, as well as anyone who enjoys a dank beat. You can hear “Nightmare” below from YouTube or add it[...]