Jefferson Pitcher – Cartpushers
Recovering Bay Area punk Jefferson Pitcher clearly knows how to rock the fuck out and probably has forgotten more stuff about guitar than I’ll ever know about anything. “Cartpushers” is his latest single in an impressive catalogue that has something for everyone; come here for the aforementioned moody goth adjacent “Cartpushers” but also for the 15 minute avant-garde “A Man Speaking, Small Broken Things Underfoot.” “Cartpushers” is a guitar track through and through that holds an astounding amount of depth and cacophony, with a dark undertone. It never felt spiraling, but clearly, JP is someone who has looked into the void and saw themselves looking back. Pitcher’s vocals are steady and appropriately haunted sounding, just the type of track to listen to at the tail end of the cold months. You can hear “Cartpushers” on YouTube (embedded below), from Apple Music, or over on Spotify. Keep your eye[...]