At some point in time, over the last ten years or so, 80’s music suddenly became cool again. People started getting hip to the fact that retro-style new wave was catchy as all hell and, honestly, just fun, fun music. This led to some great bands, a lot of so-so bands, and a legion of please-stop-now bands. Place IAMDYNAMITE in that first category. With an undeniably catchy sound found somewhere in the midst of the Police, Hall and Oates, and Modern English, IAMDYNAMITE has carved out a unique niche in the 80’s influenced pop world. To simply label them an “80’s retro band” does a great injustice. Pulling influences from a modern assortment of electronic music, current pop and pop-punk they have developed a sound that can only be described as their own. Tonight, IAMDYNAMITE are in town celebrating the release of their new album, Wasa Tusa. You can catch[...]