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Tonight: Giant Peach

Self-proclaimed diarycore/wraithcore act Giant Peach will be hitting up Mohawk Place today. The trio has just released But You Made Me Such A Beautiful Thing, a sprawling, sonic evolution for the Brooklyn act, who have traded out their raw indie-punk sound for something more subtle – think Rainer Maria or Hop Along. Joining them are noisy Montreal janglers DBPS, and a stacked local lineup featuring Slow Cooker and Slinky X. Tonight’s show is at Mohawk Place at 8pm. Make sure you have at least $8 for admission, but come with a few extra bucks to buy something from the bands. But You Made Me Such A Beautiful Thing by Giant Peach

Tonight: Giant Peach

You guys like fuzz, right? Giant Peach is playing at the Glitterbox tonight, and I think you’d like them, too. Poppy, high energy stuff from Brooklyn. Check ’em out. They’ll be supported by locals Del Paxton, Space is Haunted and Grout. Good jams all around. Doors at 6:00, definitely be there by 7:00. $5 at the door. Facebook event here.