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Dr. Boat – “Catch A Foul”

Dr. Boat, a four piece from NYC, purportedly a ‘Medically Accredited Dreamboat Experience,’ recently released their newest single “Catch A Foul.” While I’m not sure which governing body decides on accreditation for dreamboat experiences, I am sure that this is definitely one of the rockingest tracks I’ve heard in a minute. Not only that, the band has a Buffalo connection in drummer Max Kalnitz, who hails from our fair city. This is glam rock through and through; with the guitar turned up to 11, slick as fuck bass riffs, drum kit on fire, and a singer who clearly has some swagger. I really couldn’t describe it any better. If you enjoy The Darkness, Wolfmother, or think Jack White’s love of the guitar should be shared by everyone… This do be the band for you. You can hear “Catch A Foul” below from YouTube, Apple Music, or Spotify. Be sure to[...]