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Dave Monks – “Can’t Put My Fire Out”

Buffalo is a Tokyo Police Club town, so hopefully our friend Dave Monks needs no introduction – he’s here with a super-catchy solo-outing called “Can’t Put My Fire Out.” This one has a lot of positive, upbeat energy, starting in the jaunty-but-simple guitar backbone and truly coming out in Monks’ iconic and endearing vocals. The song acts as sort of a mission statement from Monks; a declaration of his independence from the grind of the world and justification that what truly matters can never be taken away from him. Check out the lyric video below – you can also listen on Spotify and Apple Music.

Dave Monks – All Signs Point to Yes

Dave Monks, better known as the long-haired frontman of Canada’s own Tokyo Police Club, split from the others to record six really solid acoustic songs under the title All Signs Point to Yes. Each track is as touching as the next: Whether the tunes are about the unpredictable future or heartbreak blues, this collection has what it takes to make you feel connected. Driving, laying around, or easy listening suits All Signs Point to Yes best. The EP kicks off with “Vegas,” probably the most happy of all the songs. This one is about being with the partner of your dreams despite outside uncertainty. The lyrics speak highly of deep love and how far it can carry you. The guitar strums are mostly offbeat upstrokes and Monks sings in his unassuming baritone. A key lead in the middle of the song helps it sail. Clapping ensues shortly after, forcing some[...]