Say Hello To Heaven – “Straight No Chaser”
Self-described “synth-grunge” band Say Hello To Heaven brings us their second single and first original track “Straight No Chaser.” Made up of Alessandro Ayer ad Miguel Romero, their first single was a cover of “Say Hello To Heaven” made famous by Temple of the Dog… “Straight No Chaser,” features a strong synth throughout that, although tastefully cedes some time to the guitar, otherwise rocks the fuck out. While synth-grunge as a concept could just be a one-off novelty, we’re all about it, and hope that the band is as earnest as they sound, because how can you go wrong here? Synth-meets-grunge? Sign us up. You can hear “Straight No Chaser” below from Soundcloud or add to your soon-to-be-stuffed synth-grunge playlist on Spotify.