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Bonfire Vanity – “Key to the City of No Regrets”

“Key to the City of No Regrets” is the latest from NYC based four piece Bonfire Vanity, who are apparently very talented when it comes to song writing, song names, and band names. With a title like that there’s just no telling what you’re getting into, but thankfully your pals at the BLOG gave it a perusal. The verdict? A chill shoegaze jam with impeccably crafted vocals, showcasing (or… shoecasing) the entire band’s talents as all four members have songwriting credits. and can recommend it strongly. The track begins with a synth/guitar duo that meshes together and diverge throughout; intermingling with the vocals in a perfect balance betwixt. While four minutes is a little long for a punk track, it is the perfect amount of time for a shoegaze track. Fans of DIIV and Wild Nothing would find a lot to enjoy here, plus it’s always exciting to hear a[...]