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Baker Island – What Did Your Last Savant Die Of?

British fivesome Baker Island, based out of Newcastle, brings us this twee-filled single that begs the question, “What Did Your Last Savant Die Of?” While I don’t think this is ever answered, it does certainly roll of the tongue nicely, depending on which word you put the emphasis on; “What Did YOUR Last Savant Die Of?” “What DID Your Last Savant Die Of?” (etc.).   I’m absolutely here for the synth throughout the track and guitars that never ramble, but certainly come close to meandering. Everything blends together in what could have easily been a cacophony of noise but instead turns into a beautiful euphony that makes things feel just a bit sweeter.   You can hear the track below from the band’s Soundcloud or over on Spotify if you’re fancy like that. I started watching Six Feet Under the other day and this track proved to be a nice palate[...]