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argonaut&wasp – “TVS”

argonaut&wasp and buffaBLOG go way back – we’ve featured them multiple times before (for obvious reasons). This time around, we’re digging the impeccable synth-pop of “TVs.” This one is a super contemporary indie rock jam with hints of retro synth flavor, jammed full of sunny pop melodies and a dance-able pulse… All wrapped up in a succinct 2:30 package. Check this one out below, you won’t regret it.

argonaut&wasp- “Prove It to You”

“Prove It to You,” a new track from argonaut&wasp, is pretty much as close to indietronica as musicians can get. The Brooklyn duo follows on the trail of bands like Hot Chip with the track’s undulating rhythm and velvety vocal stylings. The song oozes confidence, with a cool-as-can-be assertion of “let’s get it on,” while admitting to feeling lonely. The recurrent keyboard lines toward the end of the song serve to build the song to an energy-raising climax before ending somewhat abruptly beneath its propeller-sounding finish. Check out “Prove It To You” below.