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Andrew Huston & The Waders – “Tell Me”

Andrew Huston & The Waders are, from what I can gather, a California based band and “Tell Me” is the latest single off of their new album “Cycling.” Guitar and piano (like, actually sounds like a piano) coalesce along with Huston’s vocals for a cathartic sounding track full of warmth and longing (and maybe a smidge of regret). This appears to be the fourth single off of the album and it’s placed toward the end. There is a certain amount of finality or the peak of a crescendo to it, which seems apropos for a late single release. Fans of Conor Oberst’s more rockin’ catalogue would find a lot to enjoy here, as would anyone who enjoys something a little sad at the end of the night. You can hear “Tell Me” on YouTube below or add it to your “sort of sounds like Conor Oberst” playlist on Spotify.