amph. – “Engraved”
Artist Anthony Carl Fritz has been dropping new music under the his moniker amph. over the last year and the latest, “Engraved,” is a guitar driven alt-rock melodic jam that is sliced from modern life. Fritz writes about love’s ability to break the slow strangle of modernity, and how far one goes to keep their other half from sinking into that miasma. Fritz’s lyrics resonate with the shared experiences we have while his fuzzy warm guitar melodies manifest that fulfilling love with full guitar tones. The picked guitar phrases in the verses merge into a churning bloom of layered big guitar sound in the refrain effortlessly. The chorus is well crafted hook that plays into the light composition of the verses, letting it roll over you like a swell of a rolling tide. Listen to “Engraved” from amph. now on Spotify and Apple Music. amph. ยท Engraved