Column 6: Motion Picture Movie Music
Depending on the average age of buffaBLOG’s readership, it’s probably safe to say that most of us grew up with a few decades of film history behind us. Within those decades are a handful of movies whose music is just as iconic as the film itself. Take The Godfather trilogy, Chariots of Fire, or Jurassic Park, for example. You can probably think of (or whistle) the beginning notes to each of the above movies’ melodies. A movie’s music usually becomes famous because the movie itself does well. A movie does well for many reasons, but mostly because it resonates with the audience. In these cases, the music enhances this feeling and completes the experience in the viewer’s mind (and maybe sometimes, the soul). When I think about the movies that, in my opinion, have music that takes them to the next level, a common theme seems to arise: they’re all[...]