Moose Blood at the Town Ballroom (04/17/18)

Earlier this week, UK pop punk four piece, Moose Blood, made their way back to Buffalo.   They seemed to make the best of Tuesday’s mediocre weather, drawing a sizable crowd. They played a pretty even split of songs between all three of their major records, and the die hard fans in the crowd seemed to love every minute of it.  Indie/emo veterans Lydia also made their first Buffalo appearance in quite some time, debuting a lot of their newer pop oriented material, along with a couple older cult classics.  Buffalo’s own Marigold kicked things off with a solid set, following a tour cancellation from McCafferty.   Check out some photos from the night below, shot by blog photographer, Brendan O’Connor.



Moose Blood



Categorised in: Photos

This post was written by Brendan O'Connor
