Japanese Breakfast at Mohawk Place (4/23/17)

Japanese Breakfast’s dreamy indie-pop was met with rapturous acclaim at Mohawk Place on Sunday, April 23rd, at the band’s first live appearance in Buffalo. Equal parts shimmering and sinister, Michelle Zauner’s emotive songs express both harrowing loss and radiant joy over a bed of gossamer guitars and transcendent pop hooks. Supporting Japanese Breakfast that night was Rebecca Ryskalczyk, a singer-songwriter specializing in spartan guitar confessionals, and local act The Leones, a ghostly psych-rock quartet with a penchant for darkness. Check out the photos below.

The Leones

The Leones 1

The Leones 2

The Leones 3

The Leones 4

Rebecca Ryskalczyk

Rebecca Ryskalczyk 1

Rebecca Ryskalczyk 2

Rebecca Ryskalczyk 3

Rebecca Ryskalczyk 4

Japanese Breakfast

Japanese Breakfast 2

Japanese Breakfast 4

Japanese Breakfast 3

Japanese Breakfast 5

Japanese Breakfast 1

Japanese Breakfast 6

Japanese Breakfast 7


Categorised in: Photos

This post was written by Zach M Anderson
