Steven Van Betten – “Friendship”

Based out of Los Angeles, Steven van Betten‘s latest single is “Friendship” off of his debut album Friends and Family (October 28, Future Gods). Bringing that fuzzy vintage folksy feel, “Friendship” features van Bettern’s soothing vocals with guitar but also throws in catchy synth. With each verse corresponding to a different friend you’d think this would turn into a “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” type scenario, but, as van Betten helpfully points out,
“… but I’m trying to be in bed by 11/ someday I’ll write a verse for all of my friends and the song will be never ending…”
Fans of Sufjan Stevens or Neutral Milk Hotel will find some similarities they can latch onto here, between the composition and musical style. You can hear “Friendship” along with the rest of the album over on Spotify or Soundcloud.
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller