Florida based Cassandra Plunkett, going by ‘Plunki‘ for her musical project, brings us her latest single “Better Days” and it’s a chill banger. Lead by tight bass riffs and a steady drum beat, gentle synth pitter patters in the background, occasionally coalescing to take over and then backing off. Along with Plunkett’s fabulous voice, this all combines into a bedroom dreampop track with hints of R&B. Speaking to crafting track she had this to say: “I wrote this after coming out of a two year depression from COVID, moving, death, and heartbreak. It’s both a reminder and a survival strategy to keep fighting for those happy fleeting moments that make life worth living.”

Fans of FKA Twigs, Japanese Breakfast, or Far Caspian would find a nice intersection here – specifically the R&B tinged lyrics and bedroom pop aesthetic.

You can hear “Better Days” on Spotify, Sound Cloud, or Apple Music. We’ve included it below, we know you’re lazy!
