Money” is the latest from Dublin based Kynsy and we gotta say it’s…. right on the money. Showing off some strong indie-pop sensibilities, the intro is all wailing guitars that build up and then drop to give Kynsy and the bass room to breathe. I was initially hesitant about a five minute track – she not only manages to keep me on the hook for the entire thing, but I jumped back in for a second listen (and third).

Fans of Bully, SPRINTS, or Phoebe Bridgers would find a lot to enjoy here as this is truly someone who understands songwriting to an incredible degree (she also produces her own music, no small feat either).

Give “Money” a listen courtesy of YouTube below or over on Spotify so you can add it to your girl boss pop playlist. Be sure to check out her other tracks too, because she can change up her style on a dime and make it sound totally natural (see “Elephant in the Room”).
