Davis Gestiehr – I’m Always Lying… Make Me Famous

Twenty-three year old Davis Gestiehr is spring-loaded with youthful energy, evident on his latest release, I’m Always Lying… Make Me Famous (IALMMF). The four song EP finds the wunderkind exploring various sounds reminiscent of Arctic Monkeys, The Replacements, and The Black Keys.
IALMMF blasts into your eardrums with the one-two punch of opener “CCTV.” Here we start hearing the hallmarks of Gestiehr’s sound – a jittery bass riff pounds out a jaunty rhythm while guitars chime out in frenzied unison. Drums sounded like they were recorded in the tiniest room possible hammer out a neurotic-but-apt beat here, complimenting the song’s ultra tight feel. Lyrical motifs also start to form here, as Gesteihr sings:
“I used to think I was hot shit, got a degree so I could fuck around. My arteries are carotid, there’s only one way to get famous now – I want to be on CCTV”
Whether Gestiehr is talking about committing crimes in an effort to squeak onto TMZ (which I am now realizing would have been a good rhyme to use in this song) remains to be seen… But he acknowledges that there’s more than just being a good musician/songwriter when it comes to getting famous these days. All press is good press, right?
Song two, “Marlon Brando (I Hate Yr Guts)” swings in with a similar energy, as chunky guitar chords shred your speakers before making way for a tasty guitar lick. Gestiehr’s sharp riffing is on full display here and perfectly fill the spaces between his pointed lyrics:
“Don’t wanna talk about it, pass me the benzos, I’m stealing hearts you think I’m a fucking klepto”
Committing crimes on CCTV while numbed out on benzos seems like an all too familiar story these days. Again, Gestiehr leaves you guessing – is he glorifying this behavior? Or is he salty because he’s not the one in the limelight?
Lead single “Courtney Love” is a clear highlight here, pairing his trademark tight drum sounds; angular riffs; and nimble basslines into something reminiscent of The Strokes’ more recent output. There’s a notable surf-rock tinge to “Courtney Love,” which acts like a breath of warm, salt air against the gritty and angry undertones of the songs before… In fact, this one’s more of a love song at heart – see below:
“She’s the atheist I’m praying for, she’s so obscure. Looks like Robert Smith but more hardcore. She’s the Cure for all this god damn bliss, she can’t stand fucking Incubus, the girl who hates all happiness in view, like I do.”
It’s fun to love the wild hearted ones, even if it’s a challenge to reign in their wanderlust. The numerous references to other zeitgeist-era acts in this song feels very central to the thesis of IALMMF, and between its clever wordplay, sugary melodies, and fun surfy demeanor, “Courtney Love” certainly feels like lead single fodder.
Gestiehr wraps things up with the more reserved offering, “Follow You Down.” A phased-out guitar swirls its way through your listening device before Gestiehr comes in with a refreshing, breathy delivery. The switch to a minor chord mid-verse is our absolute favorite part of this EP as a whole – it’s a perfect pull into the longing feel Gestiehr curates in the chorus. While we enjoyed the snarky and sardonic feel of the aforementioned tracks, “Follow You Down” dives into something a little more emotional and, for lack of a better term, “real.” For that reason, it gets our nod for EP favorite.
I’m Always Lying… Make Me Famous is out now (April 26, 2024). Check it out below.
Categorised in: Album Reviews
This post was written by Nick Sessanna