Damon Albarn – “Heavy Seas of Love”

Right now, for my money, the only track that comes close to The War on Drugs’ amazing “Red Eyes” single is “Heavy Seas of Love” from Blur frontman Damon Albarn. Taken from his forthcoming, and from the sounds of it, pretty incredible Everyday Robots LP (4/29), the track has one of those reach for the sky choruses that I love so much, along with additional vocals from Brian Eno. Earlier today, the song’s accompanying video, all shot via an iPad, was released. Its a sort of travelogue clip with slight touches of trippiness mixed in to make you wonder if its all just a dream. Keep an eye out for our upcoming review of Everyday Robots, and in the mean time, watch the video for “Heavy Seas of Love” below.
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This post was written by Mac McGuire