Buffalo Sex Change Premieres New Single, “Black Circle”

Upstart Rochester label, Dadstache Records, has been keeping busy this summer with solid releases from bands like Pony Hand and Fat Africa. Their next release will be the debut full length from post-punk act, Buffalo Sex Change, a Rochester based group (don’t let the name fool you) who has been on our distance radar for a little while as their inclusion on some solid 585 area bills has peaked our interest.

The first single from Buffalo Sex Change, which is set to drop on August 5th, debuted today on bandcamp. Titled “Black Circle,” the crawling, reverb drenched track sounds like Okkervil River’s Will Sheff moonlighting with Crystal Stilts, or even Ariel Pink at his less weird of moments. Check it out below.

Categorised in: Rochester

This post was written by Mac McGuire
