Couples Counseling & PARI∀H

We here at buffaBLOG have teamed up with local videographer Lesionread to present a new video series titled Wonk Sesh. The series is set to capture live performances from some off-beat, possibly off-the-radar acts that come through our city in hopes of placing them onto your radar. The debut videos in the Wonk Sesh series were both filmed at the Northrup House on Sunday, June 8th and features Boston electro-pop artist Couples Counseling, along with tour mates PARI∀H. Keep an eye out for future “seshes” on the blog, or follow Lesionread’s Youtube page.
Check out the Wonk Sesh videos from Couples Counseling and PARI∀H below.
Categorised in: Wonk Sesh
This post was written by Mac McGuire