wine pride – “Sunshower”

North Carolina based wine pride‘s latest is “Sunshower” and we’re lucky to have the chance to hear it and share it with you over at the BLOG. Bass, guitar and distorted vocals bring a fun low-fi/new wave/shoegaze (shoewave-fi?) vibe reminiscent of acts from across the pond and stateside – specifically The Cure (you may have heard of them) and bands like DIIV or Day Wave. wine pride finds a way to honor the new while surging forward with fresh ideas and composition. The intro bass quickly gives way to light guitar interspersed with Aaron Felger’s warped vocals – operating on a similar wavelength as the guitar (like, actual literal wavelength which creates a fun echo chamber of sound).

If you enjoy “Sunshower” be sure to give The Lost EP a listen – it clocks in at less than twenty minutes and was a perfectly timed listen for my short commute to work. You can hear it below, courtesy of YouTube or over on Spotify.

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
