Tonight: Swimsuit Addition

Like they probably say in all those journalism classes I didn’t take: lead with the big news. Punk time is dead, be on time to the Glitterbox, and catch Chicago’s Swimsuit Addition tonight, supported by Newish Star, Mink and newbies Dildon’t.
Doors open at 6pm, music starts at 7pm and will assuredly be over by 10 pm (shove that in the face of whiny friends/traitors who complain they can’t see a show on a school night).
Swimsuit Addition makes me want to do this, but with full knowledge that if I stopped dancing they’d feed me to their pet spiders. Surfy, poppy and maybe rotten to the core: it’s telling that one of their tags on Bandcamp is “hellokittywithitseyegougedout.”
Newish Star I love, and not simply because last time I caught them, they set the local record for most uses of the term “school shooting” on stage. It’s because they write good songs: that Look Both Ways cassette flows front to back in a way that makes you want to start it back up pretty much immediately. I’m looking to cop a shirt if I can scrape up the funds.
Mink’s a band after my own heart, as well, and not only because I played guitar with them for like two weeks before circumstances got in the way. Catchy and charming with the ability to get pretty heavy live when the situation calls for it, they’re worth catching now before they ship off for tour in August.
Dildon’t are new, this will be their first show, so who knows what to expect? They’re quote “one 1/2 of Hot Tip” and I like Hot Tip. Curious to check ’em out.
As already stated: Glitterbox, doors at 6, music at 7 for real, Facebook event here.
Categorised in: Preview
This post was written by Dan Bauer