Tonight: Soul Patch

It takes a lot for a 90’s cover band to be news; they’re basically a dime a dozen in Buffalo. But when local hardcore legend Keith Buckley of Every Time I Die comes crashing back into town to play a few tunes, ears perk up. Tonight, Keith and his 90’s cover band, Soul Patch, will take the stage at Duke’s (site of SP’s first show) for an evening of pure nostalgia. The group comes with a catalog of everything from Nirvana to The Cardigans. The band even gleefully stands on neutral ground, playing jams from Britpop rivals Blur AND Oasis. If you want to spend an evening side by side with friends in a mass singalong and catch what might be one of the year’s most fun shows, then this is one not to miss.
And hey, if none of that appeals to you, then we got two words for ya? Free Buffet.
The show starts at Duke’s at 9pm. Tickets are $8, and again, the buffet is free.
Categorised in: Preview
This post was written by Nick Muldoon