Tonight: Richard Album

Here’s one for all you folks who don’t feel like elbowing/getting elbowed at your weekend house shows: some folkier, more intimate fare at the Jungle Gym. Chicago’s Richard Album will be coming through tonight, supported by Buffalo’s own Difficult Night and Nick Gordon. Judging from the photo I snagged for this post, Richard had a pretty good time last time he was here. Check out his recordings on Bandcamp, or hell, just look at the album covers. I wasn’t familiar with him before this, but he’s definitely one of the more instantly likable artists I’ve encountered in quite a while. And musically, he’s definitely a great fit with those troubadours in Difficult Night that you’ve heard so much about.
Facebook event here. $5 cover to support the touring artists. If you don’t know where the Jungle Gym is, ask someone who does. Check out Richard Album and the Singles singing “Crawling Back” below.
Categorised in: Preview
This post was written by Dan Bauer