The Weather Might Say Otherwise – “I’ll Drink To That”

Alternative rock band The Weather Might Say Otherwise (TWMSO), based out of Fredonia, NY, gave their hometown something to drink to with pop-punky anthem “I’LL DRINK TO THAT!” The use of negative space to make the song sound like it’s skipping makes my heart skip a beat in solidarity. Core members of TWMSO consist of Damian Brown on guitar/vocals, Zach Richardson on drums, and Tanor Morrison on bass. The trio bring an exciting, electric grunge flavor to “DRINK,” especially as they pick up intensity in the third act of the track.

“I’LL DRINK TO THAT!” was released by Rocket Weasel Records on April 16th 2021. Check it out below via Bandcamp or listen to them on Spotify.

Categorised in: Buffalo

This post was written by Ryan Sciandra
