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Tonight: Pinkerton 20th Anniversary Show

Tonight celebrate the 20th anniversary of Weezer’s sophomore classic Pinkerton with some of Rochester’s best musicians at DBGB’s on Allen Street.  The frankly terrific Rochester scene will be represented by members of Pleistocene, the Ginger Faye Bakers, Talking Under Water, FM Green, and Down To Earth Approach, who will be in town to convene a tribute to the dark and abrasive cult hit, a favorite of Weezer obsessives. Local indie rock quartet Hundred Plus Club, celebrating the release of their debut EP will be opening the show with harmonious Buffalo grunge rockers Cooler. Doors open at 9pm and cover is $5.

Weezer – Everything Will Be Alright in the End

Make no mistake: despite the well-trodden narrative of 21st century Weezer as the sad, emotionally dead carcass of a once-great rock institution, the past 14 years have been good to Rivers Cuomo and co. Though critical and fan consensus regards their work in the 2000s as unequivocally terrible (which it is, by and large), none of that really affected the band in any discernible way, either commercially or emotionally. They continued to pump out shit albums with shit covers and shit lyrics, and even managed to find their biggest hit along the way with 2005’s “Beverly Hills.” They continued to tour, they sold Snuggies, they had their own goddamn yearly musical cruise. You saw them live when they came to town, you rolled your eyes as they played “We Are All on Drugs,” and then you started screaming when the iconic opening drum fill to “Undone (the Sweater Song)” kicked[...]

Edgefest at the Outer Harbor (8/10/14)

103.3 the Edge’s annual Edgefest put the cap on a successful season of the Outer Harbor Concert series this past Sunday. Headliner Weezer played a welcomed, mostly old-school heavy collective of songs, much to the audience’s nostalgic pleasure. Brand New played a messy, yet fun set, while long time cult act, the Sheila Devine, and the home town heroes of Pentimeno provide stellar early support. For a complete write up of the show, check out Ron Walczyk’s full review here, but if you prefer a more visual reminder, then take a peak the gallery submitted by contributing photographer Andy Deluca below. For additional shots, make sure to follow Deluca on instagram. Weezer Brand New The Sheila Devine  

Edgefest at the Outer Harbor (8/10/14)

Whoever is setting up the dates for the Outer Harbor concerts deserves a round of applause, or at the very least a well-excecuted high five. We really couldn’t have asked for a better day/night combo for Sunday’s Edgefest 2014, presented by 103.3 The Edge.  Well, it probably could have been a bit cooler during the day, but temperatures dropped as the night’s “supermoon” replaced the unforgiving sun, serving as a perfect backdrop to Sunday’s festivities. (Anyone remember last month’s City and Colour show? Think “Supermoon Strikes Back.”) The lineup could easily be considered one of the year’s best, featuring headliners Weezer and Brand New with support from The Sheila Divine, Pentimento, and Dirty Smile. Edgefest was undeniably the best deal of the summer, especially for those of you lucky enough to snag the $25 early bird tickets before they sold out. I’m just going to go ahead and say it—Weezer’s[...]

Tonight: Edgefest

In case you somehow haven’t heard by now, today is the day that Edgefest rolls through town. It’s hard to ignore such a prime opportunity to people watch at one of the most “accessible” shows of the summer… but enough about that. We here at buffaBLOG are here to bring you information about music, so here goes: Pentimento are the opening act tonight, and for good reason. Often compared to co-headliners Brand New, Pentimento are one of Buffalo’s strongest musical exports now. With a new wave of hardworking bands riding the resurgence of punk and emo, Pentimento are enjoying the benefits that come from several successful tours and the hype from their latest EP Inside the Sea. The Sheila Divine are an alt-rock band from Boston. They have a philosophy of following something called “the three b’s” – Boston, Buffalo, and Belgium. Having been a cult band here in Buffalo[...]

Can We Still Believe In Weezer?

So a few weeks ago Weezer released a new single and… it’s actually pretty good. If you haven’t heard “Back To The Shack” yet, I’d recommend checking it out. It’s catchy as hell and it displays the sense of humor that has always been one of Rivers Cuomo’s strong suits. So do we get excited for the new album now? After years of disappointment, have Weezer finally gotten their shit together? Well, that’s where it gets a bit tricky. Weezer have came out with strong lead singles before and failed to deliver on the album. In 2009, Weezer released “(If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To” as the first single off Ratitude, and everyone agreed it was the best thing they had done in years. The following album failed to live up the hype. It was full of tracks that were catchy enough, but rather soulless,[...]