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Celebrate the Vernal Equinox with Igloo

The Igloo Music crew is back again with another party, this time to celebrate the oncoming spring. That beautiful moment when light and day are nearly the same and around the world various cultures are celebrating the renewing symbolism of the season. Maintain your enthusiasm for spontaneity, the location of the event on Friday, March 20th will not be announced until the day of, by calling a hot-line number. “I still dig the concept of being secretive about the location of events. It’s fun and can build up great anticipation for the partygoer, especially if it’s at a spot that no one has never seen or been to ever,” said Igloo’s Rufus Gibson. “Buffalo has a very structured party scene. Same show, same venue, same time of year. We wanted to break the mold and throw a little mystery in the mix,” said the crew’s John Sullivan. “Our goal is[...]