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The Wonder Years at Anthology in Rochester (10/16/16)

This past Sunday, Anthology was packed to the brim for a sold out show featuring some of the biggest active pop punk bands.  Headlined by The Wonder Years, the stacked lineup also featured Seaway, Moose Blood, Knuckle Puck, and Real Friends.  The show was absolutely wild from start to finish, with audience participation through the roof.  Check out some photos from the insane night below, and click HERE for a full gallery. Seaway Moose Blood Knuckle Puck Real Friends The Wonder Years  

Tonight: The Wonder Years

Tonight, one of the biggest pop punk bands around right now will be rolling through the Town Ballroom.  After dropping a new full length last year, pop-punk veterans The Wonder Years, are bringing a crew of bands with that are sure to make all the sad boy attendees happy, if only for a night. Sharing the stage with the Wonder Years will be post hardcore act Letlive., indie / post rock act Microwave, and Buffalo favorites Tiny Moving Parts. This week Tiny Moving Parts announced the release of a new album, Celebrate, out 5/20.  The trio, boasting the perfect mix of emo, math rock, and indie, are sure to put on one of the most enjoyable sets of the night. Expect to hear the new single off of celbrate, titled “Happy Birthday,” tonight. Doors open at the Ballroom at 6:30pm, with tickets still available at the door for $23.