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Surfer Blood at Town Ballroom (11/21/15)

After speaking with singer and guitarist JP Pitts over the phone for an interview earlier in the week, I had a preconceived expectation of what they would both look and sound like live. Pitts was concise, very pleasant and efficient in answering every question I posed to the fullest. I was not wrong in assuming that these attributes would carry over to their live show. Sonically, the entire band sounded spot on and almost identical to their studio recordings (with a healthy dose of live nuance). It’s safe to say that in the short five years of this band existing, they’ve toured enough and written enough material to have perfected their deliverance. Their stage presence reminds me a whole lot of Real Estate, but slightly more adventurous. If you’ve seen Real Estate live, you know that they pretty much stick to playing the songs as is and, for the most[...]

John Paul Pitts of Surfer Blood

Surfer Blood’s career kind of seems like a one giant surfing metaphor. They hit the ground running in 2010 with the help of the CMJ Music Marathon and have continued to tour and consistently release quality material since then. From playing huge bills like the ATP festival curated by Pavement, to coping with news of longtime band member Thomas Fekete having a rare form of cancer, you can bet that they’re learning to ride the rip current as gracefully and professionally as possible (despite none of them actually being surfers). I was able to speak with singer and guitarist of the band, John Paul Pitts, earlier this week about how life as an industrious band has been since taking the drop down the face of indie success. You can also catch Surfer Blood tonight at the Town Ballroom opening for Nate Ruess of Fun. More details and tickets for tonight’s show can be[...]