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Hotel Etiquette – “Sounds Like Love”

Sounds Like Love” paints the picture of emo/pop-punk and excludes no details. “We could fuck it up, and if you’re asking me, then it sounds like love…” It’s a line that hauntingly holds true to relationships that sink. Hotel Etiquette (aka Mike Hansen & co.) seems to have found themselves in the classic, unfiltered love tragedy and we love it. The track is followed by a soothing, sugar-glazed minute and a half track entitled “cigarettesafterthebachlor,” containing a dying heartbeat as if it were to represent the sound of love You can find Hotel Etiquette on Bandcamp (below), but be sure to check them out on Spotify and Apple Music too. Sounds Like Love by Hotel Etiquette

Sons of Luther – “The Wrong Way”

Buffalo-based rock band Sons of Luther released a fresh new single, “The Wrong Way,” on February 1st, and within a week it became their number one song on Spotify. It speaks to the intentional songwriting and the “earwormitis” that comes along with listening to something so catchy (and also, the band’s commitment to marketing themselves effectively in today’s musical landscape). SoL somehow combine the sounds of nostalgia with authenticity in a way that it sounds familiar, but not like any band I’ve heard before… At the same time, their lyrics bring about discussions that have been talked about for decades in a way I’ve never heard before. About “The Wrong Way,” Sons of Luther say: “[‘The Wrong Way’] is a mediation on bridging our current cultural divides as an act of resistance. Reminding us to not get “bent out of shape, cause it didn’t go our way.” You can find[...]

Worse Things – Shallow Faith

When the clock struck midnight on December 17th, the world got a lot colder, darker, and bleak; but to post-hardcore band Worse Things, that was music to their ears. Their newest and bluest offering is a seven-song album of forlorn emo, post-hardcore, and grunge that they’ve titled Shallow Faith. With transitions that tether the songs together throughout the entirety of the project, it’s the perfect album to play from front to back, a rarity in today’s world of single releases and short attention spans. Members of Worse Things include: Zach, Anthony, Matt, and Rob, all based out of Buffalo/Fredonia NY. Their specific sound is reminiscent of both the early 2000s and the emo revival of the 2010s but never loses a 2022 edge… Something similar to jumping into a pool of sweet deja vu, Worse Things create a grungy space isolated from all else. Fans of Balance and Composure, Citizen,[...]

Deadwolf – Deadwolf EP

It’s almost as if five musicians from Buffalo went back in time, taking elements from the sixties, seventies, and eighties, and brought them to July 1st of 2021. Those people are Tyler Mendola, Cody Morse, Bryan Williams, Ken Shockley, and Andy Pothier, aka the long-running and never-imitated Deadwolf. The psychedelic rock of their self-titled EP could turn even the straightest-of-edge person into a full-fledged hippy for at least fifteen minutes. My personal favorite, outro track “Sooner or Later,” takes you on a five-minute sonic trip, floating above the thunderstorm of a clouded reality. You can find Deadwolf EP on Bandcamp (below). You can also find the band (and their entire discography) on Spotify and Apple Music too. Deadwolf by Deadwolf

Bad Bloom – “Automatic”

The spacious vocals bellowed throughout Bad Bloom‘s latest single “Automatic” are hypnotically intoxicating… Which only makes sense, seeing as it was released just two days prior to Halloween, the spookiest day of the year.  On the shoegaze-meets-dream-pop flavors of “Automatic,” Jay Trovato smoothly shreds his guitar while Kate Rogers floats along the track with elegance on both bass and vocals. This originally Queens, now Rochester-based husband-and-wife duo shed beautiful darkness onto a sugarcoated world.  Preview “Automatic” via Soundcloud below – be sure to add it to your Spotify or Apple Music playlists too. Bad Bloom · AUTOMATIC

Dolly Sods – “tupelogumswamp”

Hot new gloomy shoegaze band from Buffalo, Dolly Sods is making some literal noise with their debut single “tupelogumswamp.” Comprised of three members of other Buffalo-based bands, Jesse James, Nate Ward, and Andy Pothier, Dolly Sods hit at the very peak of bleak. Heavily reverbed vocals sound as if they’re coming from a cemetery within a church. The instrumental contains much reverb in itself which ties together the loose vocals in a very dark and ominous package. At seven-plus minutes, this one is as epic as it is sludgy in all its doom-and-gloom glory. Check out all the different ways you can listen to “tupelogumswamp” here. tupelogumswamp by dolly sods

Velvet Bethany – “Teamwork”

Movement of the hips guaranteed or your money back! Buffalo based singer-songwriter/producer Allison Mitchell (aka Velvet Bethany) created a peppy tune titled “Teamwork” that will surely jumpstart your heart. Lines like “I feel like I have superpowers” are truly contagious to the soul and inspire a better day. “Teamwork” reached streaming services at the turn of this past new year; and with it’s upbeat pop rock energy, will hopefully usher 2022 in as a new era of hope.  You can find “Teamwork” on both Bandcamp and Spotify. Teamwork by Velvet Bethany

Rafi Bloomberg – “Your Eyes”

Listening to Rafi Bloomberg’s latest drop “Your Eyes” with your eyes closed is not only meta, it’s also borderline dangerous. This sparkly indie-pop jam sounds as if you’re driving through a spiral where both space and time are obsolete. The icy, 80s-esque synthesizer cools down any hot-headed thoughts that it reaches. “Your Eyes” touched down just about one week ago on January 25th of 2022 but don’t fret, this track will stay fresh forever. “Your Eyes” was recorded at Bloomberg Audio by Rafi himself – preview “Your Eyes” using YouTube below, but be sure to add it to your favorite Spotify or Apple Music playlist.

Quit Yourself – “Get Better”

A righteous, twinkly guitar riff alone is enough to perk anyone’s head up. Buffalo-based act Quit Yourself is about to celebrate the first birthday of their double single, Get Better, originally dropped February 28th, 2021. The band is still kicking nowadays, shuffling lineups to make things work like any good, scrappy emo band should! Somehow, no matter what their formation, they always manage to sound like an army of midwest-emo rockstars. If you’re looking for some local grudge rock to roll your face off, or even just to “Get Better” on a personal level, then you’ve come to the right place. Check out Get Better via Bandcamp below – you can also stream it using Spotify. Get Better by Quit Yourself

The Burkharts – Who Are The Burkharts?

Retro, goofy, and groovy are just three words that come to mind when asked “Who are The Burkharts?” The four-part Buffalo based indie band consists of Gavon, Trevor, Austin, and James, and it goes without question that these folks got their 10,000 hours in. I swear, you can hear the chemistry in their art as all composition is distributed equally and confidently between the band. The Burkharts have an overlying retro sound that gives older audiences a blast of nostalgia while giving the youth a breath of something fresh; either way you’re dropping everything and running to the beach. But why waste time breaking down and analyzing each and every attribute of “the Beatles from Buffalo?” They already answered that for us with the newly year-old project, Who Are the Burkharts? Who Are The Burkharts? leads off with the single “To Be Your Lover,” originally dropped December 11th of 2020.[...]

Fake Space – “Cut It Loose”

Buffalo punk rock band Fake Space held absolutely nothing back in the rebellious banger “Cut it Loose” from their latest EP, Big Money Only (B$O). Released by Triple Hammer Records on November 17th, 2021, B$O serves as a blueprint to learn how to let loose in life. The vibrato in the vocals laid down on “Cut it Loose” are sharp enough to cut anything that’s keeping you tethered down. The face of Fake Space, Christian Adams has been percolating as an integral part of the Buffalo music scene for more than a decade. Although Christian isn’t afraid to branch out and use keyboards, acoustic guitars, and ukuleles to write his songs, make no mistake – Fake Space is still a punk band at heart. With the huge pop-punk hooks here on B$O, he’ll surely infiltrate the rest of the world sometime soon. Check out “Cut It Loose” via YouTube below,[...]

Stress Dolls – “Alone”

The transparency that Buffalo punk artist Stress Dolls possesses is as evident in her music as it is on social media. The last words in her Spotify bio read, “Currently I’m back in the studio with Marc working on a new release that I hope to get out sometime in 2021…” And boy did she deliver. With the single “Alone,” released January 7th (accompanied by a stunning music video just three days later), Chelsea O’Donnell shows off her near decade of experience by screaming both authenticity and relatability with straightforward lyrics like “I’d rather be alone,” showcasing that sometimes our complex thoughts are best relayed in simple terms. It’s done through the simple-yet-effective use of jangly guitar rock and synth lead flourishes, highlighted of course by O’Donnell’s one-of-a-kind vocal prowess. You can find all the different ways to enjoy “Alone” (as well as her newest EP, FORWARD) via this link.[...]

Tough Old Bird – “‘The Jaybird Lives!'”

You can almost hear the blowing of a breeze and rustling leaves while gazing at the nature-esque cover art for Buffalo indie folk duo Tough Old Bird’s latest EP, A Mantle for the Lantern. Buffalo brothers Matthew and Nathan Corrigan recorded the entire EP in their home while the rest of the world was shut down due to COVID-19. The intro to the EP, “‘The Jaybird Lives!’,” creates a very delicate, yet safe atmosphere for the audience to float through. With a breezy folk vibe that sways back and forth, A Mantle for the Lantern is akin to a rhythmic river running under the sunset. The only two words needed to sum up the ambience of the EP are peace and harmony. First, preview “‘The Jaybird Lives!'” via YouTube below, but be sure to check their entire (lengthy!) discography on Spotify as well.

Hyperview – “I Used To Be Normal”

The breath of vocalist AJ Newman from pop-punk band Hyperview is frosty enough to give an audience chills. Their most recent addition to their catalog is an EP, I Used to be Normal, featuring a music video for the project’s title-track. This was a big leap forward for both Hyperview and their fans, being the first ever music video they posted. The on-set video perfectly captures how one feels “trapped” inside of what/who they thought they were, even as normal life continues to happen around them. It runs perfectly parallel with the haunting lullaby blend of vibey emo-punk that is “I Used to be Normal.” Check out the music video for “I Used to Be Normal” below – you can also find the EP of the same name on Bandcamp and Spotify.

Rosie Quartz – Astral Bodies

Way back in 2020, singer/songwriter Sean Pratt linked up with guitarist Adam Cwynar and bassist Ron Walczyk to form the breath of fresh air you didn’t know you needed; Rosie Quartz. Their latest project, Astral Bodies, is a sonic transcendence for ears all across the world to enjoy. The overall tone of Astral Bodies is blue skies shimmering over blankets of snow. With influences drawing from Alvvays, to Bright Eyes, to Tigers Jaw, this project brings it all to the table. The EP’s material was conceived during the peak of the pandemic, where practices were infrequent, but efficient. They worked with drummer Steve Tripi to bring these songs to life: they came out with a six-song EP of sparkling indie-pop, full of chorus-laden guitar work; a rock-solid bass presence; and icy-cold vocal melodies. The first thirty seconds of the intro track, “Sleep Now (Love You Later),” emit tones of an[...]