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Today: Cold Blood MMXV

Good fests come along once in a blue moon, and, with respect to our lovely little wintry wonderland, are somewhat of a anomaly here in the Queen City. Oh sure, you have your Veggie Fests and Decency Rallies, but Buffalo is a “what have you done for me lately” kinda place. We are blessed in that sense. Buffalo breeds the toughest and the most dedicated. Not quick to rest on their laurels, the movers and shakers of the scene embody the DIY ethic that has made punk and hardcore the most significant form of underground music in the last 30 years. Case in point: Cold Blood MMXV, a 17 band first-run fest featuring some of the best and most rippingest (fuck a vocab) in local punk and hardcore (and a bunch of out of towers too) brought to you by Josh Smith, owner of Black Dots and Melody Seymour from[...]

Tonight: Rotten EP Release Party

The boys in Rotten have been called a lot of things but nice isn’t one of em. Glue splattered, filth-punk with some anarchistic flare, England’s favorite sons have been laying down a path of slime-strewn indecency since their inception. Whether live or recorded on wax these boys deliver the goods and do so in spades, inspiring sweet, sick madness. BUT BEWARE. They will ruin anything they touch and consume anything they can get their filthy hands on. They’re just a wee bit off-kilter. It makes sense then that their new EP is titled Bat Shit Crazy. You have to be a little crazy to inspire the kind of punk as hell attitude that these fellas cop. Do yourself a favor and head down to Mohawk Place tonight (6 bands for 6 bux!) and pick up a copy. It’s their release show and it would really make them happy. Then again,[...]

Tonight: Lost Tribe

In the early eighties, punk rock was going through a bit of a transformation. Bands such as Christian Death, Bauhaus, 45 Grave, and Specimen were pushing the music into darker, more conceptually macabre avenues, paving the way for goth, death rock and horror-themed post-punk. While these offshoots never took hold in any mainstream sense, the seed was planted, and an incredibly devoted trail of followers have since come to embrace their blackened expanse. The last few years have even seen a rebirth, and now death rock and goth-punk are more popular than ever. A perfect starting point for the uninitiated is Lost Tribe, a Richmond-based band that simultaneously pays tribute to the Southern Death Cults, Alien Sex Fiends, and Psi-Coms of yesteryear whilst still exploring fresh ground and moving the genre to interesting places. Melodic, mysterious, plodding and charging, Lost Tribe is at once homage and yet-still inventive. Their excellent[...]