The De-Evolution of Robin Thicke
At the end of 2013, when I made my predictions for what would happen in the year to come, one of them was “Robin Thicke will return to pre-Blurred Lines fame level.” It was something of a throwaway line. I figured a 36-year-old lucking into a monster hit was more of a fluke then a signal that he’s going to be a mainstay on the top 40. What I couldn’t have predicted was just how far he would sink. Thicke’s new album Paula came out two weeks ago, and has been one of the biggest bombs the music world has seen in some time. It sold about 530 copies in the UK, and just 53 in Australia. Things were a little better in the US, where the album debuted at No. 9, and sold 24,000 copies. Still, the notion that Thicke was going to turn his smash hit into a[...]