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Posse – “Shut Up”

Seattle trio Posse have described their sound as being inspired by “delay pedals and 27 years of disappointment,” hinting at a bleak, yet sincere sense of humor that comes across on their sophomore album, Soft Opening. Singer Paul Whitmann-Todd’s monotonous delivery is backed by slinking melodic guitar lines and a slow pulsing rhythm on “Shut Up,” as he discusses the banality of a relationship gone stale. Despite the dreary subject matter, a blissfully redemptive guitar solo at the two minute mark gives the track a sense of peaceful resolution. Drawing comparison to bands like Yo La Tengo, Pavement, and Real Estate, Posse occupy a familiar sonic territory that rarely ceases to be affective when purposefully executed in the manner that makes Soft Opening such a confident, rewarding LP. Stream “Shut Up” below.