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Like A Parrot Forms Royal Tongues, Releases “The Balance”

If you have been following the blog over the past few months, you should already be up to speed on the production/writing duo of Like A Parrot. After having decided to keep the Like A Parrot work as a behind the scenes endeavor, the tag team of Justin Gamella and Aaron Bonus have moved their catchy pop tunes over to a project called Royal Tongues. The first single from the new outfit is “The Balance,” a song that you should be familiar with as we featured back in November as our introductory post to Like A Parrot. The revisited synth pop jam has been starting to get picked up by alt radio stations, and may soon be a part of the regular rotation over at Alt-Nation on Sirius radio. Listen below and remember where you heard it first.

Tonight: Like A Parrot

Earlier this year, the indie-electronic duo Like A Parrot was victorious in early round campaigning of Artvoice’s B.O.O.M. (Battle Of Original Music) tournament, and tonight, they’ll be trying to advance once again, as B.O.O.M. hits Nietzsche’s tonight at 9pm. The band has an instantly catchy new-wave/electronic sound, similar to Phoenix, Passion Pit, or Two Door Cinema Club, as heard on tracks like “The Balance” and the brand new “No Sleep” (listen below). For a fairly young band, the tracks featured on their soundcloud page are not only quite well-developed, but very slickly produced as well. Despite having existed for less than two years, the band already has a well-defined sound, and will be difficult to beat tonight. For those looking to catch on a talented young band that could be on the cusp of big time fame, as well as to hear some of the other talented young artists our[...]

Like A Parrot Debut “Awkward Arm”

I just want to dance! Maybe it’s because it’s Tuesday or maybe it’s because Like a Parrot has just released the brand new track, “Awkward Arm.” Consisting of Aaron Bonus and Justin Gammella, Like a Parrot have been making music together for the past year, creating their own brand of indie dance-pop in the vein of Walter Meego. Gammella commented on their recording habits; “We are always writing new music. Our goal was to write 50 songs this year, while still working other jobs. Our next goal is to write at least 100 songs in a year when we are doing nothing but music.” In the past year, they have recorded with the likes of Bianca Dyrland of ARIA, with future collaborations set to include Dan Erickson and The Spin Wires. The name Like a Parrot is a tongue in cheek jab at the industry. “ In briefings we get[...]