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Tonight: Krill

Krill is a band with all the right buzz in all the right places. Hailing from Boston, they’ve garnered a super concrete East Coast fan base with their unique brand of what they simply deem “guitar rock.” They’ve settled into this mold of acceptance among avid followers of their label, Exploding In Sound, but they are totally okay with playing for the sake of playing to a crowd that will listen. Their latest release, A Distant Fist Unclenching, is a testament to their ability to create artful music that is balanced in both musicality and lyrical content. It’s grungy and dark, but equally playful when it comes to thematic elements and overall sound. I was lucky enough to catch the band on an all-star bill in Allston, Massachusetts this past September. Their set left me numb, but in the greatest way possible. Lucky for you, you can catch them in a[...]

Krill – “Tiger”

One of my go-to bandcamp pages I frequent while zoning out to Super Smash Brothers is Boston’s up-and-coming trio, Krill. Although I love visiting, I must admit that the songs were starting to get old with my roommate (“Are we fucking listening to Krill again?”).  Well, Alex will be delighted tonight to find out that Krill has a brand new song that has debuted via Rolling Stone.  The new single, “Tiger,” off of the band’s forthcoming junior release, A Distant Fist Unclenching, proves that Krill have graduated from the super cool underground indie playlists to super cool indie playlists. What I truly love about Krill is lead singer Jonah Furman’s free-wheeling, Tim Kinsella-like delivery. Oh and just so you don’t try to over think the lyrics, they are about a very likeable villager that’s mauled by tiger. Check it out below.