Column 1: Prologue
Sound and motion are inextricably linked. Think about it: every motion has a certain sound associated with it. Everyone knows what clapping hands sound like, and you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who can’t imitate a buzzing bee. Most sounds are universally recognized, and when they are, they become a shared human experience. In fact, sound is so fundamental to our lives that when it defies our expectations, it’s either unsettling, or inspires a frenzied look into why it’s different and what that means for us. This line of thinking is what will guide Screened Plays, buffaBLOG’s investigative coverage of the sounds that shape the kind of motion that’s become an integral part of our lives: motion pictures, and not just of the movie variety. Any moving image with notable sound is fair game, including but not limited to: movies, television, commercials, shorts, cartoons, and maybe (but probably not) your parody[...]