Hooray For Earth’s Noel Heroux
Upfront, I just have to tell you that I’ve been dying to see Hooray For Earth since Janauary of last year. A Johnny Come Lately to their 2011 debut, True Loves, after somebody on the blog (probably Mike Moretti) flagged them as a band to check out for their “M83 but weird” vibe, their show at the Ninth Ward was high on my list after 2012’s M83 blowout. Formed in 2005 as the brainchild of multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Noel Heroux, Hooray For Earth became a hit with music bloggers thanks to the incredibly solid True Loves, which earned the moniker “cult favorite” and marked the band as one to watch. Unfortunately, fate cruelly intervened to scotch the show. Fast forward to this July and the release of Hooray For Earth’s sophomore effort, Racy. Guitar driven and more in your face than its predecessor, Racy represents something of a departure for Heroux and Hooray[...]