Still Diggin’: Narrowing Your World
Record shops only really made any sense to me because of my experience with another increasingly-obsolete medium: television. Spending a summer alone, abjectly depressed and too hot to move a few years ago, I finally came around on TV. Streaming stuff over the internet had for a month or so been my only friend, and now even that seemed like an overwhelming task. With a multitude of potential entertainment out there, the act of choice seemed impossible. The freedom nauseated me a little, in fact. I craved control. So, faced with passing the rest of the night in total silence, I hooked up the tiny television in the closet and stole my housemate’s cable. Instantly, I had pleasantly narrowed my world. Fifty channels and half of them too fuzzy to come in: it was a blessing. Sacrificing the freedom of having the world at my fingertips meant freeing myself from[...]