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Far Caspian – “Arbitrary Task”

Coming out of the gate strong in 2023, Ireland-based Far Caspian (lead by Joel Johnston) delivers a sublime lo-fi indie gem. “Arbitrary Task” occupies the same place in your head you go when you’re doing laundry or driving to work, but is indisputably the more preferable of the three. Clocking in at just over two minutes, we take a guitar-driven dance to just past the halfway mark to a drum interlude, which then meets back up with the guitar (and Joel’s melodic vocals) to finish things out. As far as comparisons go, listeners of Day Wave or Hazel English would find a lot to enjoy with Far Caspian and I sincerely hope you get a chance to check him out! With a strong following at almost 500k monthly listeners on Spotifiy and the back of Tiny Library Records, keep your ears open for more from FC.