Razor Braids – “She”

Brooklyn-based Razor Blades brings us their newest track, “She,” and it’s a fun garage rock tinged banger. A vocal-forward track with non-stop (fuzzy and clean) guitar riffs, singer Hollye Bynum sings about meeting that special someone and how positively uplifting that can be. Queer, female, and non-binary identifying members gracing the lineup make this a well rounded group, able to bring their voices to a chronically underserved listenership – as well as just rocking the f*ck out for all. Fans of Alanis Morrissette, Pom Pom Squad, or The Cranberries would find a lot to enjoy here, along with anyone who enjoys a well executed garage rock romp.
“She” is available on Soundcloud or Spotify, as well as a fabulously done music video embedded below. Be sure to check out their equally impressive backlog of songs as well!
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller