Lips – “Your Deoderant Doesn’t Work”

Loving this kiss-off (pun intended) all the way from Auckland, New Zealand. Lips‘ latest, “Your Deodorant Doesn’t Work” falls somewhere between bratty and tongue-in-cheek (pun intended, again) and the result is something that is both humorous and spot-on. Pointed commentary about natural deodorant, crystal healing, and your band should be enough to put at least a smile on your face (pun intended, again again)… But we digress. The real treat here is that this song is actually incredibly catchy, synth-soaked indie rock with teeth (last pun, we promise).

We love this one, including the abstract fun of the music video below. There are lots of ways to enjoy Lips – check them all out here.

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Nick Sessanna
