Lean Tee – “bad dream/lethargy”

Baltimore based Lean Tee‘s new single, “bad dream/lethargy,” is not only spot on with describing my morning, but also managed to help freshen my day with their unique brand of “emo-eclectic.” The intro guitar riff is simple yet perfect and could easily find work with a supporting role on the next Wes Anderson film.

The shoegaziness of the track slides over a bit for a fun drum beat that sounds lifted from a 90’s hip hop track, which was what really sealed the deal for me. You’ll find yourself boppin’ along in no time and, like many morose sounding songs, find yourself a bit better off after a listen. Fans of Alex G or Pinegrove would find a lot to enjoy here, with a new layer unlocked on each listen.

You can hear “bad dream/lethargy” down below from YouTube or over on Apple Music and Spotify. If you enjoyed it as much as me, definitely give the band’s catalogue a listen -particularly their lo-fi “Feudal Japan.” It’s easy to find as it’s currently their top track on their Spotify page.

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Chris Miller
