Foreign Fields – “Glowworm”

Coming to you from the badger state (Wisconsin), indie rock duo Foreign Fields brings us their latest with “Glowworm.” Made up of Brian Holl and Eric Hillman, they recorded this track along with “Faultlines” and “Damages” with engineer Brian Joseph – who has previously worked with popular acts like Bon Iver and Sufjan Stevens. Unsurprisingly, you can hear some similarities and while very much their own act you could certainly imagine them opening for either artist as an opener at any venue in the US.
“Glowworm” has a distinct folk mouthfeel in a similar vein to Band of Horses, but it adds in a sort of electronica undertone that is both interesting and welcome. Speaking to the track, specifically written about watching his daughter grow up:
“Most of the time I’m ecstatic to watch her grow up, but there have been moments where I find myself trying everything I can to slow it all down. I figured that the end would be different this time is about that foolish pursuit.”
You can hear “Glowworm” below from YouTube or over on Spotify, along with the rest of the EP.
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller