Elmwood Village Yet Again Looking For Bands, Porches

After two successful installments, the Elmwood Village’s Buffalo Porchfest will once again take over area porches and balconies on Saturday, October 4th. I remember taking a peak at the first batch of acts that signed up for last fall’s inaugural run, and it was a bit rough around the edges. Last May, though, saw the amount of porches nearly triple, hosting some of the more quality local acts like Radarada, Alex Berkley & the Atlanta Falcons, and Humble Braggers, to name a few, so hopes are high for Porchfest 3.0 next month.

Sign up for volunteers, bands, and porches is currently live on Porchfest’s website. Keep an eye out for fest maps and porch/band pairings as we get a bit closer to the event.

Categorised in: Buffalo

This post was written by Mac McGuire
