Eldoradio – “City Lights”

Eldoradio have a classic Brit-rock sound, despite their Swedish origins, that is as distinct as it is invigorating. The proof lies in their recent single “City Lights,” telling the well-worn tale of long nights and youthful indiscretions. There’s a hint of a punk flare there in the layered vocals and bombastic drum work, matching well with the band’s distortion and scrappy guitar lines. Eldoradio previously hit their stride with a singles “Black & Blue” and “Youth Cult,” but this track could prove the third time really is the charm. Already making a name for themselves across Scandinavia and Europe, it might be time we spread the craze over here in the states. Be sure to feast your ears on “City Lights” below – this definitely isn’t a band you want to sleep on.

Categorised in: New Music

This post was written by Cassandra Dailey
