Bleary Eyed – “Shimmer Away”

Bleary Eyed, a band based out of the fine city of Philadelphia, brings us their latest with “Shimmer Away.” Hitting us with a nifty, bitcrushed synth intro right off the bat AND sustaining glitchy energies throughout the track is a difficult feat, but it’s a challenge Bleary Eyed rises to. Between the synth, crunchy 8-bit tones, and duetting vocals of Nate Salfi and an unknown female singer (we think?), you’ll easily find yourself loss in the ins and outs of the track.
Releasing in anticipation of a self titled EP, lead singer Nate Salfi says that he wanted to “…create a poppy, sample heavy EP that takes people out of their regular headspace they find themselves in.” If “Shimmer Away” is any indication for the rest of the EP, I think I can say mission accomplished. Fans of the “loud” indie sound from bands like feeble little horse or Full Body 2 will find a lot to enjoy here.
You can hear “Shimmer Away” on Spotify, Soundcloud, or down below courtesy of the band’s YouTube.
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Chris Miller