Berry & Balloon Twister – “Dream Tangerine”

Berry & Balloon Twister teamed up for this blissful, psyched-out take on jangle pop that they’re calling “Dream Tangerine.” There’s something that reminds us of the late 90s on this one (think New Radicals or The Sundays) – sparkly guitar leads and nimble bass flourishes pair well with Berry’s soaring and airy vocal presence. Fun fact, XTC’s Andy Partridge arranged the hiatus on this track. An even MORE fun fact comes straight from Berry herself – see below:
“This song was partially inspired by picking up a hitchhiker in the snowy winter who was a porn channel presenter (Babe Station) late for work. Her mum flagged down the car, she was cold (not enough clothes on). We liked her, she was nice.”
You can also find this collab on Bandcamp.
Categorised in: New Music
This post was written by Nick Sessanna